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Residency Application Checklist
Residency Application Checklist
Updated over 7 months ago

Year Before Application (May - August)

  • Research Programs: Explore residency programs that align with your interests and goals (e.g., Fellowship and Residency Explorer).

  • Gather Transcripts: Request official transcripts from your medical school for ERAS submission.

  • Identify Recommenders: Select faculty for strong Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) and request them well in advance (ideally a year before application).

  • Personal Statement: Begin crafting your Personal Statement highlighting your experiences and aspirations.

  • USMLE Exams (IMGs): Ensure you're on track to complete required USMLE exams for your chosen specialty (if applicable).

Application Season (June - September)

  • ERAS Registration: Register for ERAS (typically opens in June) and create your profile.

  • Finalize Documents: Ensure your Personal Statement, MSPE, transcripts, and LoRs are complete and polished.

  • ECFMG Certification (IMGs): Confirm your ECFMG Certification status (see separate checklist for ECFMG requirements).

  • ERAS Token: Obtain an ERAS token from your dean's office to link USMLE scores to your ERAS application.

  • Submit Applications: Strategize your program list, prioritize submissions, and submit applications when they open (typically early September).

Interview Season (October - February)

  • Interview Prep: Research common interview formats and practice answering interview questions.

  • Travel Arrangements: Plan logistics and secure accommodations for interview travel (if necessary).

  • Interview Attendance: Attend all scheduled interviews and showcase your qualifications to program directors.

  • Rank Order List (ROL): By the deadline in February, rank your program preferences based on interview experiences and overall fit.

Match Week and Beyond (March)

  • NRMP Registration: Register with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) if you haven't already.

  • Match Day: Celebrate! Find out which residency program you've matched with!

  • Post-Match Communication: Follow up with your matched program to confirm details and next steps.

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